If you are out of shape, here’s how to start getting healthy.
First, a couple caveats.
If you have health problems, see a doctor.
If you are Class 3 Obese or close to it, see a doctor. Call Dr. Tro. He does telehealth and might change your life.
Ok. Here we go:
1. Walk more days than not. Two miles to start.
2. Eat large early dinners, mostly animal protein. Chicken, Beef, Seafood. Eat until you are full and pay no mind to calories.
No sauces. BBQ sauce is usually garbage. Sorry. Etc. Dry spices are much better.
Skip Bread, Rice, and Pasta.
If you crave dessert, eat more animal protein or have plain yogurt with some berries.
3. Skip breakfast. Have black coffee instead. Fast 12-14 hours in a row so like 8PM to 10AM (or 9-11).
4. Lay off the booze during the week.
5. When you go to bed, turn your phone off and leave it in a drawer in the other room. It will still love you tomorrow.
6. Repeat this for the next few weeks and I’ll send out Chapter 2 in October.
If you have questions hit the comments below or reach out to me privately by replying to this email or at ppearlman@gmail.com.
Here is stuff to eat:
Beef, Chicken, Salmon, Shrimp, Other Seafood, Plain Yogurt, Eggs, Olive Oil, Butter, Berries
Here’s is stuff to avoid:
Rice, Pasta, Bread, Alcohol
Good luck.
Hi, going over the whole archive, it's great!
Is there a reason you say to avoid "Bread, rice and pasta", but not potato?
What would a typical meal look like in this scenario (Lunch & Dinner b/c we're skipping breakfast)?