Great post! Do you mind sharing the treadmill workout you are using to improve your mile time. I am a distance runner who could benefit from working on speed. Thanks!

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Thanks Steve!

It varies a lot, but usually it’s different types of intervals. I will usually warm up with a slow mile, then I will crank the speed up to 8.6 or even 9 and run for two to four minutes. Then I will slow it down to 5.4 or so and then after 3-5 minutes will crank it up again.

Sometimes after warm up I will just try to run the fastest mile I can. The other day I did an 8.7 which is like a 6:53.

Sometimes I will keep it slow like 5.0 and start gradually cranking up the hill .5 at a time until I am exhausted.

And Sometimes I will do a long slow run and then near the end try to run as fast as I can for as long as I can, usually like 8.6 for from 3 to 5 or 6 minutes depending on how I am feeling.

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