IF for social media is a wonderful idea. For many years personally i resisted the idea of using a celular phone, i didnt liked the fact of being available all the time for people or being slaved to social media. I remember when people asked for my celular number, and i said i dont have one, they didnt believe me. For work reasons i was under presure and was asigned one in my job. I now use social media that then i didnt, like fb, twitter and Whatsapp, i feel that i have growed adicct to news sites who only gave me a negative view of the world.

Your article have reminded me of a need to fasten of this things.

thank you.

P.D. I apologize for my english, my mother language is spanish, my english is a rather poor.


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Thanks Arcides. This is a wonderful comment. Yes! We can turn our phones off or put them in a drawer. Not all the time, but at specific times like weekends and evenings. It is a way to take back the moment! Have a great day.

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