Phil, love it. For me I have found that I must practice three things daily. Get at least 8 hours sleep, fast 16/8, and wal for 30 minutes. Of course eating nutrient dense calories also is a close 4th. Dave Asprey’s lectures have been tremendous for lifestyle and the teachings of Thich Nhat Hahn around “mindfulness” have been a major source of turning point in my life. Enjoy your walk brother. I’m walking as I write this!


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"Get at least 8 hours sleep, fast 16/8, and wal for 30 minutes."

Your holy Trinity! 😉

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Good stuff! The starting point is usually the most elusive.

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Yep. Two months in also key as the newness wears off.

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Reminds me of Atomic Habits.

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“Intensity is a false God.“ This is so true. Friends who are just beginning to exercise often over do it initially and then become frustrated when they can’t maintain that level of intensity. My advice to them is to not worry about how much they do. The key is to make exercise a habit and it’s easier to achieve consistency by starting slowly and building on it incrementally.

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Yes. 1000% I need to do a post on this called Preventing Injuries.

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