May 24, 2021Liked by Philip Pearlman

This is some fat-phobic shit right here. You don’t see fat in the animal world?! Whales, hippos, etc? Yes big companies have figured out how to make their food addictive for higher profits and we shouldn't play into it if possible (again your privilege is showing here in terms of having resources to buy healthy food in your area. Not everyone has that ability). But there’s other things to consider. Genetic issues. Some individuals bodies more easily gain weight. Being heavier isn’t a marker of being less than. We are all a product of our environment. Wether that’s having trauma, depression, or even being over weight. I get your point but you’re missing a lot of nuance and failing to come up with a plan other than “we should rebel against this”. again having the privilege of time to do to that.

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May 23, 2021Liked by Philip Pearlman

Yes sad but true.. some how the food makers, have discovered the formula ,that will light up human pleasure centers, and keep us coming back for more, regardless, if said 'food' may potentially have adverse effect on our brains, over long periods of time. Only profit matters in the world they inhabit, all others be damned. To those who will say 'well you don't have to eat it', the fact is nearly all items purchased in any grocery store, has aisle after aisle of 'foodstuffs' concocted in large labs/kitchens, that are to my way of thinking of 'dubious value' at best.

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May 23, 2021Liked by Philip Pearlman

"Am I willing to entertain the notion that current guidelines are inadvertently advocating a lifestyle that is killing us?

I am, because it’s happened before.

In the 1970s, as nutritionists began to see signs that people whose diets were high in saturated fat and cholesterol also had high rates of cardiovascular disease, they told us to avoid butter and choose margarine, which is made by bubbling hydrogen gas through vegetable oils to turn them into solid trans fats.

From its inception in the mid-1800s, margarine had always been considered creepers, a freakish substitute for people who couldn’t afford real butter. By the late 1800s, several midwestern dairy states had banned it outright, while others, including Vermont and New Hampshire, passed laws requiring that it be dyed pink so it could never pass itself off as butter. Yet somehow margarine became the thing we spread on toast for decades, a reminder that even the weirdest product can become mainstream with enough industry muscle.

Eventually, better science revealed that the trans fats created by the hydrogenation process were far worse for our arteries than the natural fats in butter. In 1994, Harvard researchers estimated that 30,000 people per year were dying unnecessarily thanks to trans fats. Yet they weren’t banned in the U.S. until 2015."

Outside magazine

- https://www.outsideonline.com/2380751/sunscreen-sun-exposure-skin-cancer-science

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May 23, 2021Liked by Philip Pearlman


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The Agriculture Lobby is the strongest lobby in Washington DC. Food pyramid is entirely lobbied, and not based on science=and has been for our entire lives. Prior to our generation, food wasn't "instant", or in a box, or processed.

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